Article Number: AMDBRT


The AMD Bug Report Tool allows users with AMD Radeon™ Series Graphics, AMD Ryzen™ Processor powered systems to report bugs directly to AMD. The tool automatically captures necessary system software and hardware configuration details and includes them with the submission. It also provides the option to attach screenshot/picture files that could help us investigate the issue.

This tool is designed for systems running:

  • Windows® 11 version 21H2 and later
  • Windows® 10 64-bit version 1809 and later

Note: Please verify the issue using the latest driver / software for your AMD product before submitting a bug report.

Accessing the AMD Bug Report Tool

AMD Bug Report Tool can be downloaded here and run as a standalone application. If your system is running AMD Software, the tool can be launched using the bug icon or Issue Reporting option under System, highlighted in the example below.

Note: By default, Issue Detection is enabled and will automatically launch the AMD Bug Report Tool when BSOD, TDR, or device installation error is detected. You may disable Issue Detection, if preferred.

Using the AMD Bug Report Tool

On launch, the AMD Bug Report Tool opens a new window with selection fields to characterize your bug which are explained below:

Affected AMD Application: Select the appropriate application from the list provided.

Affected Game/Application: Select the Affected Game / Application from this drop-down list. If not available, you may enter it manually. Note: This field is not applicable for AMD Ryzen Master submissions.

Symptoms: Choose the symptom that best describes your issue.

Description: Enter a short summary of the issue.

Steps to Reproduce: This is important information required to investigate the problem, please provide clear steps and details of the issue.

Note: This is an example of useful Steps to Reproduce information.

  1. Launch the Chrome browser and go to
  2. Select and play any 4K video
  3. Observe screen flicker and random corruption
  4. No issue is experienced when watching YouTube 1080p videos or local video files.

Driver History: Specify if the issue affects only the current driver or previous drivers as well.

Ryzen Master Version:  (Applicable to AMD Ryzen Master only)  Specify if the issue affects only the current version or previous versions as well.

Power Supply Wattage: Select the closest matching wattage of your system’s power supply unit.

Attachments: Include screen shots and pictures showing the issue.

Links: Include links to web sites containing relevant information about the issue.

Data Collection: Keep a local copy of the information submitted to AMD. The report file will be saved to the desktop.

Email Address: AMD may require more information about your issue. Please provide a valid Email address If you are willing to be contacted. You can read about how we handle your personal data, your personal data rights, and how you can contact us in our Privacy Policy.

Send Report: Automatically packages the information provided above with system information and sends it to AMD. Note: To cancel the submission and exit the tool, click Don’t Send.

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